This will be used if the destination server is only accessible through another server/multiple servers
Example: We want to move a website folder from server A to server D, but server C is the only server who has access to server D, and server A only has direct access to server B.In order to have access to server D we need to connect from server A to server B, and from server B to server C.
The requirement of the script is that ssh keys are added between all servers.
./ " someUser" 3 \" gwuser1 gwuser1 gwuser3" "/tmp/website.tar.bz2" "/var/www/"
#!/bin/bash hasGateways=false #$1 = final server details #$2 = gatewayCount #$3 = gateways details #$4 = file/folder to copy #$5 = final destination on the server #check if we have arguments if (($# == 0)) then echo "1:Usage $0 \"serverUrl serverUser\" gatewaysCount \"gateway1Url gateway1User gateway2Url gateway2User\" \"pathToFilesToSend\" \"destinationPathOnTheFinalServer\"" exit 1 else #test if we have 2 arguments and the second one is a number if (($#>=2)) then re='^[0-9]+$' if ! [[ $2 =~ $re ]] ; then echo "1:The second argument needs to be a number" exit 1 fi fi #if we have 2 arguments and the second one is higher than 0 we need the third argument to be present if (($#==2)) && (($2>0)) then echo "1:Please provide the $2 gateway(s) configuration" exit 1 fi if (($2==0)) then hasGateways=false fi #set the gateways var, this will be used to create the scp command if (($#>=3)) && (($2>0)) then hasGateways=true fi fi server=$1 gatewayCount=$2 gateways=$3 IFS=' ' read -a serverConfiguration <<< "$server" if ((${#serverConfiguration[@]}!=2)) then echo "1: The provided server configuration is invalid" exit 1 fi if $hasGateways then IFS=' ' read -a gatewayConfigurations <<< "$gateways" if ((${#gatewayConfigurations[@]}!=$gatewayCount*2)) then echo "1:The provided gateways configuration is invalid" exit 1 fi fi timestamp() { date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S%N" } newGatewayString="" deleteFirstGateway(){ for index in ${!gatewayConfigurations[*]} do if (($index>1)) then gatewayDataNew=${gatewayConfigurations[$index]} if [ ! -z "${newGatewayString}" ]; then newGatewayString="${newGatewayString} ${gatewayDataNew}" else newGatewayString="${gatewayDataNew}" fi fi done } archiveName="$(timestamp).tar.bz2" scriptExecDirectory=$(dirname $0) cp $scriptExecDirectory/ /tmp/ if [ -d $4 ] then eval "cd $4 && tar -cvjf /tmp/${archiveName} * 2>/tmp/tarError 1>/dev/null" if [[ -s /tmp/tarError ]]; then echo "1:Failed to create tar archive from $4" exit 1 fi else parentDirNameFor=`dirname $4` fileNameForTar=`basename $4` eval "cd $parentDirNameFor && tar -cvjf /tmp/${archiveName} $fileNameForTar 2>/tmp/tarError 1>/dev/null" if [[ -s /tmp/tarError ]]; then echo "1:Failed to create tar archive from $4" exit 1 fi fi if $hasGateways then gatewayData="${gatewayConfigurations[1]}@${gatewayConfigurations[0]}" newGatewayCount=`expr $gatewayCount - 1` deleteFirstGateway eval "scp /tmp/${archiveName} ${gatewayData}:/tmp/ 2>/tmp/scpError 1>/dev/null" if [[ -s /tmp/scpError ]] ; then echo "1:There was an error during the SCP function for the archive. Please check the /tmp/scpError file"; exit 1 else cd $scriptExecDirectory eval "scp /tmp/ ${gatewayData}:/tmp/ 2>/tmp/scpError 1>/dev/null" if [[ -s /tmp/scpError ]]; then echo "1:There was an error during the SCP function for the gateway script. Please check the /tmp/scpError file"; exit 1 else ssh $gatewayData 'chmod +x /tmp/' 2>/tmp/sshError 1>/dev/null if [[ -s /tmp/sshError ]]; then echo "1:There was an error during the SSH function chown +x. Please check the /tmp/sshError file"; exit 1 else ssh $gatewayData 'bash' "/tmp/" "\"$1\" $newGatewayCount \"${newGatewayString}\" \"${archiveName}\" \"$5\"" 2>/tmp/sshError 1>/tmp/sshOutput if [[ -s /tmp/sshError ]] || [[ -s /tmp/sshOutput ]]; then echo "1:There was an error during the SSH function for gateway-script execution. Please check the /tmp/sshError or /tmp/sshOutput file"; exit 1 else echo "0" exit 0 fi fi fi fi else serverInfo="${serverConfiguration[1]}@${serverConfiguration[0]}" eval "scp /tmp/$archiveName $serverInfo:/tmp/ 2>scpError 1>/dev/null" destinationPath=$5 if [[ -s /tmp/scpError ]] ; then echo "1:Error copying the archive to the final server. Please check /tmp/scpError" exit 1 else if [[ ! -d $destinationPath ]]; then ssh $serverInfo "mkdir -p \"$destinationPath\"" 2>/tmp/sshError 1>/tmp/sshOutput fi if [[ -s /tmp/sshError ]]; then echo "1:Failed to create $destinationPath on $serverConfiguration" exit 1 else ssh $serverInfo "tar -xvjf /tmp/$archiveName -C \"$destinationPath\"" 2>/tmp/tarError 1>/tmp/tarOutput if [[ -s /tmp/tarError ]]; then echo "1:Failed to extract tar archive from $archiveName to $destinationPath on $serverConfiguration" exit 1 else echo "0" exit 0 fi fi fi fi
#!/bin/bash hasGateways=false #$1 = final server details #$2 = gatewayCount #$3 = gateways details #$4 = file/folder to copy #$5 = final destination on the server #check if we have arguments if (($# == 0)) then echo "1:Usage $0 \"serverUrl serverUser\" gatewaysCount \"gateway1Url gateway1User gateway2Url gateway2User\" \"pathToFilesToSend\" \"destinationPathOnTheFinalServer\"" exit 1 else #test if we have 2 arguments and the second one is a number if (($#>=2)) then re='^[0-9]+$' if ! [[ $2 =~ $re ]] ; then echo "1:The second argument needs to be a number" exit 1 fi fi #if we have 2 arguments and the second one is higher than 0 we need the third argument to be present if (($#==2)) && (($2>0)) then echo "1:Please provide the $2 gateway(s) configuration" exit 1 fi if (($2==0)) || (($2=="0")) then hasGateways=false fi #set the gateways var, this will be used to create the scp command if (($#>=3)) && (($2>0)) then hasGateways=true fi fi server=$1 gatewayCount=$2 gateways=$3 IFS=' ' read -a serverConfiguration <<< "$server" if ((${#serverConfiguration[@]}!=2)) then echo "1: The provided server configuration is invalid" exit 1 fi if $hasGateways then IFS=' ' read -a gatewayConfigurations <<< "$gateways" if ((${#gatewayConfigurations[@]}!=$gatewayCount*2)) then echo "1:The provided gateways configuration is invalid" exit 1 fi fi newGatewayString="" deleteFirstGateway(){ for index in ${!gatewayConfigurations[*]} do if (($index>1)) then gatewayDataNew=${gatewayConfigurations[$index]} if [ ! -z "${newGatewayString}" ]; then newGatewayString="${newGatewayString} ${gatewayDataNew}" else newGatewayString="${gatewayDataNew}" fi fi done } archiveName="${4}" if $hasGateways && (($2!=0)) then gatewayData="${gatewayConfigurations[1]}@${gatewayConfigurations[0]}" newGatewayCount=`expr $gatewayCount - 1` deleteFirstGateway eval "scp /tmp/${archiveName} ${gatewayData}:/tmp/ 2>/tmp/scpError 1>/dev/null" if [[ -s /tmp/scpError ]] ; then echo "1:There was an error during the SCP function for the archive. Please check the /tmp/scpError file"; exit 1 else eval "scp /tmp/ ${gatewayData}:/tmp/ 2>/tmp/scpError 1>/dev/null" if [[ -s /tmp/scpError ]]; then echo "1:There was an error during the SCP function for the gateway script. Please check the /tmp/scpError file"; exit 1 else ssh $gatewayData 'chmod +x /tmp/' 2>/tmp/sshError 1>/dev/null if [[ -s /tmp/sshError ]]; then echo "1:There was an error during the SSH function chown +x. Please check the /tmp/sshError file"; exit 1 else ssh $gatewayData 'bash' "/tmp/" "\"$1\" $newGatewayCount \"${newGatewayString}\" \"${archiveName}\" \"$5\"" 2>/tmp/sshError 1>/dev/null if [[ -s /tmp/sshError ]]; then echo "1:There was an error during the SSH function for gateway-script execution. Please check the /tmp/sshError file"; exit 1 else exit 0 fi fi fi fi else serverInfo="${serverConfiguration[1]}@${serverConfiguration[0]}" eval "scp /tmp/$archiveName $serverInfo:/tmp/ 2>scpError 1>/dev/null" destinationPath=$5 if [[ -s /tmp/scpError ]] ; then echo "1:Error copying the archive to the final server. Please check /tmp/scpError" exit 1 else if [[ ! -d $destinationPath ]]; then ssh $serverInfo "mkdir -p \"$destinationPath\"" 2>/tmp/sshError 1>/tmp/sshOutput fi if [[ -s /tmp/sshError ]]; then echo "1:Failed to create $destinationPath on $serverConfiguration" exit 1 else ssh $serverInfo "tar -xvjf /tmp/${archiveName} -C \"$destinationPath\"" 2>/tmp/tarError 1>/tmp/tarOutput if [[ -s /tmp/tarError ]]; then echo "1:Failed to extract tar archive from $archiveName to $destinationPath on $serverConfiguration" exit 1 else echo "0" exit 0 fi fi fi fi
Whether you want to just say `Hi` or discuss a project or an idea, drop me a line and I will get back to you as soon as possible.