Tools used to optimise images within a folder/sub-folder: optipng, jpegoptim
To install these tools use the following commands:
yum install epel-release yum update yum install -y optipng jpegoptim
apt install -y optipng jpegoptim
To use the the tools in a recursive way use the following bash script:
#!/bin/bash ################## USAGE ########################### # ./ /full/path/to/folder OR # ./ /full/path/to/folder > opt.log ################## END USAGE ####################### folderPathOriginal=$1 function optiomiseImages(){ folderPath=$1 for file in "$folderPath"/* do if [ -d "${file}" ] ; then optiomiseImages "$file" else EXT="`echo ${file##*.} |tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'`" if [ "$EXT" = JPG ]; then jpegoptim -m 80 "$file" else if [ "$EXT" = JPEG ]; then jpegoptim -m 80 "$file" else if [ "$EXT" = PNG ]; then optipng "$file" else echo "FILE $file could not be optimised" fi fi fi fi done } echo "---------------------FOLDER SIZE BEFORE OPTIMISE--------------" du -h $folderPathOriginal echo "---------------------BEGIN OPTIMISE--------------" optiomiseImages $folderPathOriginal echo "---------------------END OPTIMISE--------------" echo "---------------------FOLDER SIZE AFTER OPTIMISE--------------" du -h $folderPathOriginal
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